Rwanda Fertilizer Company (RFC), a subsidiary of OCP Africa has inaugurated the Agro-dealer Champion Program (ACP), a customer loyalty initiative designed to recognize and reward agro-dealers and farmers who play a vital role in strengthening Rwanda's food system by improving farmers' access to agricultural inputs.
This programme not only acknowledges their loyalty but also contributes to strengthening Rwanda's food system by improving farmers' access to agricultural inputs through the awarded incentives.
ALSO READ: Fertiliser blending plant to begin operation in May 2023
As part of the RFC Agro-dealer Champion Program 2024, the top three agro-dealers were awarded brand-new motor tricycles to enhance their last mile services for farmers, while seven additional agro-dealers and the top 10 most loyal farmers received valuable gifts.
The awarding ceremony was held on December 6, 2024, at the factory's facility located in the Bugesera Special Economic Zone.
It was preceded by a tour of the factory by the agro-dealers and farmers to understand its operations.
These rewards are designed to empower champions, streamline communication, and simplify the process of placing input orders --ultimately fostering a thriving and united RFC community.
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Agrodealers play a pivotal role in the agricultural value chain, as they are the only market actors authorized by the government to distribute subsidized agricultural inputs such as fertilizers and seeds directly to farmers.
One of the awardees, Claudine Mushirarungu , expressed her gratitude, highlighting how working with RFC has positively impacted her livelihood.
She noted that RFC's uniqueness of selling fertilizers on credit at affordable prices has transformed her family's well-being.
She said that the awarded motor tricycle would further facilitate fertilizer distribution to smallholder farmers in remote areas.
"This initiative has helped us invest in agro-dealerships more easily," she noted.
The mother of six children said that some of her children are employed in her agro-dealership operations after completing their education.
"This shows how the fertilizer company is helping us curb unemployment in our communities," she said.
Mushirarungu said she purchased a Rwf 12 million plot of land in Musanze District, where she built a decent house worth about Rwf 100 million, thanks to her work with Rwanda Fertilizer Company.
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She is also engaged in modern farming with support from the company, which analyzed her soil to determine the suitable fertilizers.
"The company tested my soil and provided fertilizers suitable for the land. My potato production has increased from 10 tonnes to 20 tonnes on my farmland," she added.
Epimaque Barihenda, another agro-dealer, said he has been in agro-dealership for two years and has managed to build a Rwf 60 million house from it.
"While banks delay in giving loans to purchase fertilizers for retail, the factory can supply me with 20 or 30 tonnes, and I can pay back the credit later. This season, they gave me 30 tonnes, which I will pay for in one month," he said.
Angelique Nyiramuhanda, an agro-dealer from Nyagatare District, who was also awarded a tri-motorcycle to supply fertilizers, said the vehicle will improve fertilizer distribution to smallholder farmers in remote areas.
The Agrodealer Champion program will be held annually at the close of Rwanda's two farming seasons and is expected to build a strong relationship between RFC and agro-dealers who are the company's client and farmers, the ultimate users of RFC's products.
During the event, RFC's Managing Director, Anass Khanchoufi, commended agro-dealers and farmers for their dedication to distributing and utilizing RFC's blended fertilizers, which are tailored to specific soil and crop nutrient requirements to boost agricultural productivity.
"We gathered our key customers, mainly agro-dealers and farmers. It was a moment to thank and support them for their commitment to contributing to Rwanda's agriculture sector because they do a lot and they feed us. We brought them to the factory to see the production process, as it is the only fertilizer blending unit in Rwanda, having started operations this year. We want them to personally witness the quality of the fertilizers, how they are made, and their impact on yield to increase productivity and farmers' incomes," he said.
He added that the company also conducts soil testing and analysis to help farmers choose suitable fertilizers as the company has an advanced laboratory at the factory. This analysis is also conducted via OCP School Lab, a project that has already covered 14 districts of the country.
"This year, we started a large program to help farmers understand the soil profile and determine what fertilizers are needed," he noted
Rwanda Fertilizer Company, which has a fertilizer blending unit in Rwanda, is part of OCP Africa, a subsidiary of OCP Group, a global leader in plant nutrition and the world's largest producer of phosphate-based fertilizers, according to information from the company.
The factory was built under Rwanda Fertilizer Company (RFC), a joint venture between the Moroccan fertilizer company OCP Africa, Agaciro Development Fund, and Agro Processing Trust Corporation Ltd (APTC).
Rwanda Fertilizer Blending Plant produces fertilizers tailored to specific soil and crop nutrient requirements.
The facility aims to increase crop yields by 40 percent, thanks to the fertilizers tailored to the specific soil and crop nutrient needs, according to its owners and the Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Resources (MINAGRI).
The the plant has a capacity to blend 100,000 tonnes of fertilisers annually, which exceeds Rwanda's current annual demand of 85,000 tonnes of fertilizers, supplied through imports, according to data from MINAGRI.
Since its launch on December 20, 2023, it has already produced 12,000 tonnes.
So far one blend namely NPK 17-17-17 Tweze is one the market. It is blended with lime to restore Rwandan soils which are more acidic. Other products such as DAP and Urea are also available in all 5 RFC's warehouses.