Mauritius: Government to Repatriate Child Whose Mother Is Incarcerated in Mauritius

A delegation from the Department of Social Development (DSD) is today travelling to the Republic of Mauritius to repatriate a child born to a mother who is incarcerated in that country for drug trafficking.

In a statement, the department said the delegation will arrive back in the country with the five-year-old child on Friday, 13 December 2024.

The DSD under the Directorate: Adoptions and International Social Service (ISS) received a request from the Department of International Relations and Cooperation (DIRCO) on 15 May 2024, to assist with family tracing, assessment and possible repatriation of the child.

"The biological mother was arrested in May 2019, while she was pregnant with the child. The minor child is currently in prison under the care of her mother, whilst awaiting her repatriation to South Africa.

"If the child is not repatriated to South Africa, she might be placed in the welfare system in Mauritius which will not be in her best interest, as it might complicate her chances of her being returned to her family in South Africa," the department said.

The Children's Act mandates the department to repatriate South African children distressed in foreign countries.

"The department has assessed the nominated grandmother in the North West and found her to be suitable to look after the child. Upon their return from Mauritius, the child will be placed in the care of the grandmother who has agreed to look after the child until the mother is released," the department said.

Since 2015, the department has repatriated 22 children who were distressed in foreign countries. The department is obligated by Section 7, subsection (1), (f), (ii), of the Children's Act 38 of 2005 that a child needs to maintain a connection with their family or extended family, culture or tradition.

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