Algeria: President Tebboune's Message On 64th Anniversary of December 1960 Demonstrations


Algiers — The president of the Republic, Abdelmadjid Tebboune, delivered Tuesday a message marking the 64th anniversary of the mass demonstrations of 11 December 1960. Here is the APS Translation:

"In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful, prayer and peace be upon his Messenger,

Fellow citizens,

Invariably, as the nation convenes to commemorate its pivotal historical moments, we have a duty to pay tribute to the sacrifices of the Algerian people, its long and hard-fought struggle that has cost it dearly, and its heroic achievements that are eternally inscribed in golden letters by contemporary history, serving as an inexhaustible wellspring of inspiration for the unwavering commitment to liberty.

The 64th anniversary of the demonstrations 11 December 1960 is spotlighting a highly significant milestone in terms of loyalty and dedication to patriotism.

In the terrible historical background of the time, the demonstrations were a cry for freedom and dignity and a call for justice in the face of tyranny and colonial rule, as they clearly showed Algeria people's cohesion, its full support for the glorious Revolution for liberation and its commitment to the objectives set by the Declaration of 1 November 1954.

The Algerian people, proud of its sacred legacy of cohesion and defending its national unity, its popular sovereignty and its territorial integrity, is a people that has imbibed a deeply rooted patriotism, through the different stages and eras, and has pledged, from generation to generation, to remain faithful to the land of the martyrs and their eternal message.

In this spirit, the Algerian people is building the foundations of a strong state, immunised by its institutions and its economic capacity, and protected by the power of its Army and its defence shield, fully aware of the current challenges in our erratic and tense regional environment.

Fellow citizens

Almighty Allah has bestowed His blessings on Algeria and the Algerian people has honoured the country, thanks to its high-level of collective conscience, which makes it immune to the designs of conspirators and haters, thwarting desperate attempts to demoralise patriots devoted to Algeria.

With awakened consciousness, the Algerian people protects the security and stability of society, tackling, in these difficult times, important issues and pressing priorities for the completion of comprehensive and sustainable development, in the new Algeria, and which is taking shape, in its strategic aspects, with the genius of the people and the efforts of every Algerian in the victorious Algeria.

We are very proud of this great people, who is focused on noble objectives, motivated by patriotism and having the country at heart, a precious legacy of the valiant martyrs to whose memory we bow with humility and deference on this memorable occasion.

Let me take the opportunity to extend my respectful greetings to my mujahideen sisters and brothers (national liberation veterans), may Allah give them a long life.

Long live Algeria !

Glory and eternity to our valiant martyrs."

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