Southern Africa: We'll Take SADC to the Next Level - President

14 December 2024

President Mnangagwa has assured the SADC Secretariat of his unwavering support during his tenure as Chairperson of the regional bloc.

The President also reaffirmed Zimbabwe's commitment to working with all Heads of State in the regional bloc and the Secretariat towards the operationalisation of this year's theme, "Promoting Innovation to Unlock Opportunities for Sustainable Economic Growth and Development towards an Industrialised SADC".

In his address to the SADC Secretariat staff here yesterday, President Mnangagwa said the region's objective of deepening its integration agenda, as well as accelerating the quest towards a middle to high income region, remained a top priority.

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The President was here for his maiden visit to the SADC Secretariat Headquarters after assuming Chairmanship of the regional bloc at the 44th SADC Summit of Heads of State and Government held in Harare in August.

"Zimbabwe stands ready to work with fellow Heads of State and Government, the Secretariat, and other relevant stakeholders to operationalise this timely theme.

"I once again assure you that my door is open for continuous engagement as we promote deeper integration and sustainable development for the benefit of the peoples of the region.

"I count on your invaluable support as I execute the mandate bestowed upon me by the SADC Heads of State and Government," he said.

SADC's approach, said President Mnangagwa, must always be driven by the region's collective desire to leave no one and no place behind.

SADC chairperson, President Mnangagwa, and his Botswana counterpart President Duma Gideon Boko, show off an artist's impression of the SADC Headquarters after receiving the building on behalf of SADC Heads of State and Government from Bongwe Investments in Gaborone, Botswana, yesterday

This is something the SADC Chair has effectively instilled in his Government and is now moving to impart on the regional bloc.

"The shared objectives of deepening our regional integration agenda and accelerating our quest towards a middle to high income industrialised and integrated region, for the benefit of all SADC citizens, remain our key focus.

"Hence, as we implement the various action plans and programmes, our approach must always be driven by our collective desire to leave no one and no place behind.

"All the citizens of SADC should feel that they are an integral part of the community as a result of the impacts of our programmes and activities," he said.

President Mnangagwa charged the region's citizenry to take pride in their identity and become producers, not mere consumers of goods and services.

This, he said, would boost intra-SADC trade and ensure it leverages on the opportunities occasioned by regional value chains.

Trade between member states currently stands at 23 percent.

"Undoubtedly, increased intra-regional trade is an economic imperative as well as an important step towards the full integration for a united and prosperous SADC.

"The current low levels of intra-regional trade, at only 23 percent, are worrisome.

"Greater efforts must be taken to remove all barriers to trade and take full advantage of the opportunities resulting from the various SADC Trade Protocols as well as our Industrialisation Strategy and Roadmap, among other framework.

"Going forward, to boost intra-SADC trade and leverage on the opportunities occasioned by regional value chains, we must take pride in who we are and consume what we produce," said the SADC Chair.

President Mnangagwa, flanked by Foreign Affairs and International Trade Minister Professor Amon Murwira (left) and SADC Executive Secretary Elias Magosi pose for a group photo with the regional body's senior secretariat officials

He said this year's theme was a clarion call that enjoins the region to harness the power of innovation in driving its industrialisation agenda, leveraging on the abundant natural resources, rich heritage and world class human resources.

"As you are aware, the theme of the 44h SADC Summit reads, 'Promoting Innovation to Unlock Opportunities for Sustained Economic Growth and Development Towards an Industrialised SADC'.

"Zimbabwe stands ready to work with fellow Heads of State and Government, the Secretariat, and other relevant stakeholders to operationalise this timely theme.

"Although there is still scope to scale up our industrialisation drive, I wish to commend the efforts deployed by SADC Member States to date and the promotion of innovation, science and technology in their respective jurisdictions," President Mnangagwa said.

Zimbabwe, he said, was playing its part in nurturing and sustaining momentum at the national level.

"In that regard, the heritage-based Education 5.0 system is helping to drive innovation, modernisation and the industrialisation of our economy".

Unity, support, and solidarity, said President Mnangagwa, remained the cornerstone of the regional bloc.

He expressed gratitude to member states for the solidarity they continue to render Zimbabwe every year in calling for the unequivocal removal of the illegal Western imposed sanctions.

"Zimbabwe is grateful to our brothers and sisters in SADC who have consistently stood with us.

"The continuing recognition of the 25th of October as the day on which SADC Member States collectively raise their voices in disapproval of the sanctions imposed on the Republic of Zimbabwe, is always appreciated," the President said.

President Mnangagwa is led on a tour of the Julius Nyerere SADC Library by the regional bloc's Executive Secretary Mr Elias Magosi (centre) in Gaborone yesterday

President Mnangagwa appraised the gathering on Zimbabwe's efforts in preserving the region's heritage saying, "our story will not be accurate if we leave others to tell it on our behalf".

"We remain committed to do our part towards the protection and preservation of the rich heritage, culture, and liberation history of our region.

"To this end, the construction of the SADC Liberation Square in Harare, which houses the Museum of African Liberation, is progressing well.

"I am aware of similar efforts in other SADC countries. It is the duty of the respective countries of SADC and our peoples as a whole to promote and take pride in our heritage for both present and future generations," said the President.

Turning to infrastructure development, President Mnangagwa stressed the critical role infrastructure plays in enabling regional integration efforts.

"Vital sectors such as water, meteorology, energy, Information and Communication Technology, as well as transport require modern infrastructure. Cross border investments must be pursued with greater vigour.

"There is particularly an urgent need to revamp, modernise, and diversify in the energy sector, which is the backbone of industrialisation.

"It is commendable that trade in power has continued among Member States, enabling those with deficits to benefit from the SAPP Grid. On-going inter-connector projects will soon connect all the mainland Member States to the SAPP Grid.

"It is gratifying that our SADC region is scaling up efforts to diversifying its power generation mix by exploring alternative energy sources such as natural gas, solar, wind, and bio-energy," he said.

SADC secretariat staff waiting to welcome the regional body's chairperson, President Mnangagwa at the organisation's headquarters in Gaborone yesterday. -- Pictures: Presidential Photographer Tawanda Mudimu

With regards to transport connectivity, the SADC Chair said the enhanced efficiency in the transit of traffic and the adoption of the One Stop Border Post concept implemented by a number of member states had increased movement of people and goods within the region.

He lamented the effects of climate change across the region while imploring the region to increase coordination efforts.

"Regrettably, climate change continues to pose an existential threat to our people. The region is suffering from devastating climate change induced disasters that threaten to reverse the development gains we had made over the years.

"This grim reality should inspire and compel us to enhance coordination efforts to effectively respond and build greater resilience.

"The world has undoubtedly moved on, and SADC has appropriately adjusted and adapted to the ever-changing social, economic, political, technological and environmental dynamics," President Mnangagwa said.

He expressed gratitude to the SADC Secretariat for their dedication to duty and unwavering commitment to the region's Vision 2050.

"We are confident that the Secretariat, with its pool of expertise and skills, will rise to the occasion at the service of SADC Member States.

"Research, robust policy analysis and evidence-based recommendations should continue to be sharpened towards propelling our region to greater successes.

"Going into the future, I urge you all to remain united and hardworking, taking full ownership of regional programmes as you wholeheartedly serve.

"I challenge you to remain true to the spirit of Pan-Africanism as well as the ethos and guiding principles that inspired our Founding Fathers to set up this august and strategic regional body," President Mnangagwa said.

The President addresses guests at his familiarisation tour of the regional body's headquarters in Gaborone yesterday

On his part, SADC Executive Secretary Mr Elias Magosi urged the region to continue harnessing power from regional integration.

The meeting was attended by President Mnangagwa's counterpart Botswana President Duma Boko, SADC Secretariat staff, diplomats, and other officials.

The President departed Gaborone for Harare last night.

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