If you feel like family dynamics overwhelm you, remember there are few things you can do to take a breath and reset.
You're an independent, capable adult all year round. But when you gather with family for a holiday such as Christmas, suddenly the child in you comes out. Maybe you find yourself fighting with a sibling over a board game, or being sulky around your parents.
Why does it feel like you regress to childhood around family? And does this happen to everyone?
Here's the psychology behind those old dynamics - and some tips on how to take a pause and reset this festive season.
Understanding family dynamics
Attachment theory is a widely studied theory of human bonding developed in the early 20th Century.
It suggests our early experiences - especially how we "attached" to parents and primary caregivers as children - influence how we interact with family and in other close relationships.
As adults, we hold certain thoughts, beliefs and stories about these early experiences. These can be positive or negative, and guide how we act around our parents (or later in life, romantic partners).
Together these attitudes, beliefs and behaviours form our "attachment pattern".
Around 60% of people have a secure pattern. They usually...