Sudan: Aggar - Cohesion Is the Right Path to Building a Nation.. We Will Not Allow Any Internal or External Forces to Sow Sedition Among Us

Portsudan — Vice-President of the Transitional Sovereignty Council (TSC), Commander Malik Aggar, said, "We will not allow any external or internal force to sow discord among us, and those who seek to reach power at the expense of the blood of the Sudanese people will not succeed, to serve foreign interests and suspicious agendas.

Aggar stressed that Sudan is greater than to be reduced to their small ambitions, and greater than to be used as a card in their regional and international conflicts.

His Excellency noted that this great nation has gone through difficult and harsh experiences, but it has overcome them and emerged from them stronger and more resilient, and difficulties will only increase its steadfastness and cohesion. He added, "Our unity is our strongest weapon, we must work together to achieve lasting peace, sustainable development, and true equality among all Sudanese peoples."

He explained that this war was not just a crisis, but rather a test of our national resolve and the steadfastness of our people, and it demonstrated to the whole world that the Sudanese people are invincible. He said, "You have proven that independence is not just an event to be celebrated, but rather a responsibility to be carried on the shoulders, and an ongoing struggle against anyone who tries to undermine the sovereignty of our country and the dignity of our people."

Aggar explained that the war brought together the patriots of Sudan on one goal, indicating that it restored hope in building a true national unity based on justice, equality, and citizenship without discrimination, adding that this cohesion is practically the right way to build the new Sudan, which all Sudanese men and women dream of. His Excellency stated that it was not just a tragedy, but rather an opportunity to rethink our national path to establish a true national development project that lays the foundations for building a post-war Sudan. The time has come to achieve the slogans that the Sudanese have always raised: freedom, peace, and justice.

TSC Vice-President pointed out that many are talking about democracy, which is an ongoing legitimate demand. Democracy stemming from Sudanese pluralism and social justice is the only way to remove weapons from political practice. However, to reach the democratic transition station, we must first restore the state by strengthening its unified structure, developing its functional and performance capabilities, and establishing neutral state institutions that serve all citizens without exception. This includes the Sudanese Armed Forces, and the military institution that includes the police, intelligence, and other regular forces, into which all the national armed struggle forces will be integrated, to become part of a single national army with unified commandership, protecting all of Sudan and all its people.

Aggar continued, this year will be the year of the beginning of the liberation of state institutions from all forms of partisan, political, regional, and ethnic bias, adding that we must build service institutions that concern with serving the Sudanese people in all their categories. He pointed out that, in this context, the Ministry of Labor and Administrative Reform has organized a workshop on the rights and duties of civil service workers, civil service laws, service conditions, and restructuring, adding that we are now working to implement these outcomes, and we will not care about the malicious political propaganda that some are trying to spread to serve the militia agendas.

TSC Vice-President commented "accusing the army and state institutions of bias towards any party is a desperate attempt to undermine our national unity, but we will not deviate from our path in completing the country's transition process until it reaches what the revolutionaries came out for and sacrificed their lives and souls for.

Aggar stressed that the post-war Sudan that we are working to establish is based on the foundations of transparency and nationalism, and combating corruption in all its forms, whether financial or political. We cannot build a just and prosperous country unless we fight the corruption that has exhausted our state and weakened its institutions for decades. This is an arduous battle that requires the cooperation of official and popular bodies, and the government has developed a vision for the necessary measures and legislation, accompanied by a program to qualify and train law enforcement institutions.

His Excellency stated that there is a project originally prepared to divide and partition Sudan on regional and provincial bases. There is a significant group of humanitarian organizations, driven by countries with interests in dividing Sudan, that are now active under the cover of humanitarian services, and sometimes under the cover of protecting civilians. They are fabricating reasons, starting with the pretext of visas, although the Humanitarian Aid Commission (HAC) has granted more than 4,000 visas and entry permits. This is in addition to focusing on opening the Adre crossing, and we know that before their eyes weapons and supplies are being brought in to the rebels, and even declaring that Sudan is a famine country with the aim of entering Sudanese territory without the government's permission, and thus bringing in forces under the guise of protecting civilians for humanitarian purposes. The irony is that all these pretexts find their way into the souls of some Sudanese, and those who are active in blowing this trumpet in an effort to divide their country said. These people have a crisis of loyalty, they are destroying their homes and our homes with their own hands, independent of some national, regional and international organizations, as well as African institutions, and African Union organizations, which have weakened in the face of this trend and have been swept away with it to deviate from the goal of achieving unity and solidarity of the peoples of the continent, forgetting that Sudan is one of the founders of these institutions.

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