Zimbabwe: Masterstroke! . . . Govt Unpacks Title Deeds' Benefits to Landowners

24 January 2025

PRESIDENT Mnangagwa's historic unveiling of title deeds to landowners at the launch of the Land Tenure Implementation Programme last month will create new land markets, allow farm subdivisions to cater for family inheritance and provide an exit strategy for those who choose to opt out of farming, a Cabinet Minister has said.

In an interview, Lands, Agriculture, Fisheries, Water and Rural Resettlement Minister, Dr Anxious Masuka, said only individuals or spouses were entitled to title deeds.

Companies and family trusts do not qualify as the Government moves to curb multiple farm ownership.

"First of all, His Excellency the President of the Republic of Zimbabwe Dr E.D Mnangagwa has taken a revolutionary step to improve the security of tenure in compliance with the Constitution. Second, the new title will allow landowners the option to secure financing for their agricultural activities. The title will potentially allow capital markets to improve their participation in agricultural value chains," said Minister Masuka.

"Thirdly, the title will allow for official farm subdivisions to cater for family inheritance. Fourth, the title will create a new land market, creating opportunities for land transfers to qualifying Zimbabweans. Fifth, the title provides an exit strategy for farmers who opt out of farming and they will recover their investment. These options are not fully addressed by the current leases and permits regime".

On how farmers will buy the land and how the value will be determined, Minister Masuka said the costs will be determined by ecological regions.

"Farmers will have very generous terms and options to purchase the land. The value attached to the land is primarily according to the agro-ecological region where land in Regions One and Two with higher rainfall costs more per hectare compared to land in areas with lower rainfall potential such as Region Five. For instance, a hectare in Region One could be worth US$500 or ZiG equivalent while a hectare in Natural Region 5 could cost US$100,00 or ZiG equivalent," he said.

"Furthermore, and secondarily, specific land values will be determined by land use classification, proximity to towns, presence of rivers or dams and land improvements, among others. Traditional methods of farm valuation and sales have been thoroughly examined and the present system adopted is heavily discounted to allow every farmer an opportunity to opt to purchase the land."

Minister Masuka said all Zimbabwean citizens holding an offer letter, permit or lease for agricultural purposes qualified for title deeds.

"A very thorough screening process has been operationalised to weed out non-genuine permits and leases," he said.

Minister Masuka described the process of issuing title deeds as an automatic one where there would be verification using a database of land owners.

"This is an automatic process where everyone with a permit or lease or offer letter now qualifies to get a title deed. The database of land holders will be used with sufficient verification to issue title deeds.

"Surveyed land with 99-year leases will be prioritised. Agreement of sale forms are signed by the applicant and the Minister responsible for Lands. Thereafter, the application is submitted to the Deeds Registry for registration through Government Conveyancers," he said.

Minister Masuka said Government had made arrangements with financial institutions who will provide funding for the purchase of land.

"The Government of Zimbabwe has made arrangements with financial institutions to offer mortgages for purchase of agricultural land. Once agreed, land owners will receive Title Deeds which will be issued against full payment or mortgage with the selected banks. The banks shall be making separate announcements," he said.

Last month, President Mnangagwa delivered the historic first batch of title deeds to beneficiaries under the Land Tenure Implementation Programme as the Second Republic bolsters land ownership that will put an end to the issue of tenure and security.

The tenure system will revolutionalise the Land Reform Programme embarked upon by the Government from the year 2000, and ensure bankability and transferability of title.

The President launched the programme at Pricabe Farm in Kwekwe, a property owned by the First Family.

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