South Africa: ANC Summons Four Senior State Capture-Accused Members to Appear Before Disciplinary Committee

At this stage it appears that only four ANC National Executive Committee members implicated in State Capture will come under scrutiny, with heavyweights, including Gwede Mantashe, seemingly off the hook.

Listen to this article 6 min Listen to this article 6 min The ANC is slowly moving forward with its renewal project as four of its senior members implicated in State Capture are set to face long-overdue disciplinary hearings.

Last week, the office of the secretary-general served Zizi Kodwa, Cedric Frolick, Malusi Gigaba and David Mahlobo with letters to appear before party's National Disciplinary Committee (NDC) to explain why they did not attend the hearing when they were initially summoned, as well as their involvement in State Capture.

Party secretary-general Fikile Mbalula confirmed that they were facing charges during the party's annual NEC Lekgotla at Emperors Palace in Kempton Park at the weekend.

A date has not yet been set for their appearance.

"They are charged because they did not appear before the Integrity Commission. We told them even before the elections, we said they could go to Parliament, and all of that," Mbalula said.

"This NEC took a decision that the following comrades must be charged. And that's what is happening right now. And that has been implemented.

"When people are charged, it's not a decision of the NEC. They are charged because they have crossed a line that...

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