Addis Abeba — The ongoing suffering in Tigray, not stopped even after the ceasefire in forcefully and unconstitutionally occupied areas by Amhara and Eritrea forces, has been marked by widespread atrocities, among which the use of conflict-related sexual violence stands out as one of the most heinous and systematic crimes committed against the Tigrayan people. The scale and severity of sexual violence inflicted upon women, girls, and even men in the region reveal a deliberate strategy aimed at inflicting maximum suffering and dismantling the social fabric of Tigrayan society. The intent behind these crimes extends beyond physical violation; it is a calculated attempt to break the spirit of the people, erase Tigrayans' cultural identity, and exert destructive control over their future.
Despite the harrowing accounts of survivors and mounting evidence from human rights organizations, such as Physicians for Human Rights, Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, and Mukwege Foundation, justice remains elusive, and impunity continues to prevail. The systematic use of sexual violence as a weapon of war in Tigray demands urgent attention, accountability, and global action to ensure that the perpetrators are brought to justice and survivors receive the support they desperately need.
The Scale of Weaponized Rape in Tigray
The magnitude of sexual violence in Tigray is staggering, with reports documenting thousands of cases of rape, gang rape, and sexual slavery. There are over 120,000 documented cases, which are highly underreported due to the stigma associated with such cases. The testimonies of survivors paint a harrowing picture of brutality, where women and girls were targeted with relentless cruelty. Many survivors recount being attacked by groups of soldiers, with some subjected to repeated assaults by up to fifty perpetrators in a single incident. The sheer scale of these crimes, combined with the systematic nature of their execution, indicates a well-coordinated campaign aimed at inflicting widespread terror and destruction.
The victims of these assaults include a broad spectrum of Tigrayan society--pregnant women, lactating mothers, young girls, and even elderly women were subjected to horrific acts of violence. Girls as young as four years old were raped, and men were also targeted, often in front of their families, to inflict maximum humiliation and degradation. Survivors who were captured and held for months report being used as sexual slaves, subjected to repeated violations, torture, and inhumane treatment that left them physically and emotionally shattered.
Adding to the horrors of the attacks is the intentional use of foreign objects to mutilate and inflict maximum suffering on victims. Survivors have reported severe injuries resulting from the insertion of weapons, sticks, and other objects during assaults, leading to life-altering complications such as fistulas, infertility, and chronic pain. These cruel acts demonstrate a level of sadistic intent aimed not just at harming the victims but at ensuring their prolonged suffering and social ostracization.
The Weaponization of Rape as a Tool of War
Sexual violence in Tigray was not an incidental occurrence; it was deliberately weaponized as part of a broader military strategy aimed at dismantling Tigrayan society from within. The use of rape as a tool of war is an age-old tactic that seeks to achieve multiple destructive objectives, ranging from breaking the morale of communities to asserting dominance and control. In the case of Tigray, the systematic nature of these assaults suggests a clear intent to erode the social fabric and ensure long-term devastation.
One of the primary objectives of weaponized rape in Tigray was the psychological destruction of survivors and their communities. The cultural values of Tigrayan society place a strong emphasis on honor and dignity, and the deliberate use of sexual violence was intended to exploit these values to inflict maximum harm. The Washington Post reported that survivors, particularly women and girls, were left grappling with profound shame and trauma, often ostracized by their families and communities. This social stigma served to further isolate survivors, leaving them without support systems and vulnerable to additional abuse.
The societal impact of weaponized rape extends far beyond the immediate survivors. In a society where women play a central role in maintaining cultural traditions and raising future generations, the widespread use of sexual violence was aimed at eroding the continuity of Tigrayan identity. Forced pregnancies, sexually transmitted infections, and the deep psychological scars inflicted by these crimes threaten to permanently alter the demographic and cultural landscape of the region.
Legal Violations and Impunity
The atrocities committed in Tigray constitute grave violations of both Ethiopian national laws and international legal frameworks designed to protect civilians during armed conflict. The Ethiopian Constitution guarantees the right to life, liberty, and security while explicitly prohibiting torture and inhumane treatment (Articles 13-28). The Ethiopian Penal Code criminalizes rape and classifies it as a serious offense punishable by law. However, in the case of Tigray, these legal protections have proven meaningless, as perpetrators continue to enjoy impunity.
At the international level, Ethiopia is bound by treaties and conventions that explicitly prohibit sexual violence in armed conflict. The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) obligates the Ethiopian government to take measures to prevent and address gender-based violence, yet instead of upholding these commitments, the Ethiopian government and its allies have violated these commitments. The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) guarantees the protection of women's rights and mandates accountability for violations, but its enforcement has been violated in the war in Tigray.
The Geneva Conventions, which Ethiopia has ratified, strictly prohibit the use of sexual violence as a method of warfare, categorizing it as a grave breach of international humanitarian law. Similarly, the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 emphasizes the need to protect women and girls in conflict situations and calls for the prosecution of those responsible for sexual violence. Despite these legal obligations, there has been a complete lack of accountability, with perpetrators, including the Ethiopian government and its allies, acting with impunity and survivors left without recourse.
Although Ethiopia has not ratified the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC), which defines rape as a war crime, a crime against humanity, and an act of genocide, the international community has a moral and legal obligation to intervene and ensure justice for the survivors of these heinous crimes.
The Need for Justice and Support for Survivors
The survivors of weaponized rape in Tigray deserve more than mere acknowledgment; they deserve accountability, justice, support, and rehabilitation. Immediate and long-term measures must be taken to address their needs, including access to medical care, psychological support, and economic assistance. The physical and emotional trauma inflicted upon survivors requires specialized treatment and care, yet access to such services remains severely limited due to the deliberate targeting of healthcare infrastructure.
Legal accountability is crucial in addressing the culture of impunity that has allowed these crimes to persist. Independent investigations must be conducted to document the full extent of CRSV in Tigray and to ensure that perpetrators are held accountable at both the national and international levels. The establishment of international oversight mechanisms, such as UN-led inquiries and special tribunals, will be essential in delivering justice and ensuring that survivors' voices are heard.
Efforts must also be made to address the societal stigma surrounding sexual violence in Tigray. Community engagement and awareness campaigns are needed to challenge harmful cultural perceptions and empower survivors to seek justice without fear of retribution or shame.
The international community must rise to the occasion and ensure that justice is served. Governments, human rights organizations, and civil society must work together to hold perpetrators accountable and provide the necessary support for survivors.
Failure to act now will not only betray the survivors but will also set a dangerous precedent, allowing sexual violence to continue as a weapon of war in conflicts around the world. The time for justice is now, and the world must stand in solidarity with the people of Tigray in their pursuit of accountability and healing. AS
Batseba Seifu is a human rights advocate.