Sudan: Khartoum State Wali Meets the Chief of Staff and His Deputies, Confirms Supporting of All Citizens for the Battle of Dignity

Khartoum — The Wali (governor) of Khartoum State, Ahmed Osman Hamza, praised the steadfastness of the officers, non-commissioned officers and soldiers present in the General Command of the Armed Forces and the military zones that were under siege by the rebel militia and their desperate attempts to pressure the armed forces to achieve the agenda of betrayal and mercenary.

In visit to the headquarters of the General Command of the Armed Forces on Tuesday for the purpose of offering congratulations on the unification of the armies; during which he was received by the Chief of Staff, General Mohamed Osman Al-Hussein and his deputies, the Wali of Khartoum State stressed that the armed forces are a national military force that enjoys the support of the Sudanese citizen who remained repeated the slogan (One army, One people) and that ultimate victory will soon be achieved and the militia will be expelled from the homeland.

Hamza conveyed to the military commanders the joy of the citizens of Khartoum State for the great victories achieved daily over the forces of oppression and aggression supported by a number of international circles.

The Wali of Khartoum State renewed his government's commitment to restore services in the liberated areas and rebuild the infrastructure destroyed by the rebel militia to create a suitable environment for the return of citizens and the normalization of civilian life.

The Chief of Staff revealed the progress of the armed forces on all fronts and the successive victories achieved and that they have the upper hand in the battle as the safety valve for the country from any external threats.

He expressed the appreciation and thanks of the members of the armed forces for the visit of the Wali of Khartoum and his companions to the General Command Headquarters, which represents a message of solidarity to all citizens of Khartoum State.

General Al-Hussein stressed that the armed forces are continuing to serve the citizen and support the state government institutions so that the citizen enjoys stable and safe services.

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