Angola: Over 40 Families Displaced By Heavy Rains in Kinzau, Zaire

Mbanza Kongo — At least 49 families were left homeless on Tuesday as a result of heavy rains that fell on Kinzau community, Tomboco commune, Zaire province.

According to the spokesman of the National Police, Sérgio Afonso, the rain destroyed 49 houses, leaving 245 people homeless, and that work is underway to assess the damage caused by the floods in this commune, located 94 kilometers from the municipal center of Tomboco.

The data on the rains that fell in Kinzau are still preliminary as the survey continues in the areas most affected by the rains," the spokesman said.

He added that many families are sheltering in schools and with relatives. With an area of 2,776 square kilometers, the municipality of Kinzau, which is bathed by the Atlantic Ocean, has an estimated population of more than 10,000 inhabitants. JL/DAN/AMP

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