Botswana: Boko's Charm Offensive Impressive

29 January 2025

Attending the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos, Switzerland this week, Botswana's President Advocate Duma Gideon Boko was the life of the party, celebrated and admired from all angles -the star of the show.

Promoting Botswana

Boko put our best foot forward by spending time to tell the beautiful story of the recent elections where Batswana upheld the tenets of democracy as demonstrated during the October 2024 freeand fair general elections, followed by a smooth transition of power from Botswana Democratic Party (BDP) -who had ruled for 58 years, to the Umbrella for Democratic Change (UDC).

Once again, Botswana stands out as the shining example of democracy in Africa, where smooth elections and transition of power is unheard of.

In the same breath Boko announced Botswana's appreciation of the youth, and how the ruling party is not all talk and no action, as demonstrated by the inclusion of young people in decision making.

The 26-year-old Lesego Chombo is undisputedly the youngest cabinet minister on the continent and around the world.

These, coupled with a stable economy, were touted by President Boko as draw cards for investors to come to Botswana to assist the country diversify the economy away from mining, particularly diamonds.

Promoting Africa

Highlighting Africa's potential, Boko delivered a powerful message about Africa's untapped potential during an interview with China Global Television Network (CGTN).

He emphasized the transformative impact of the Africa Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA), which is nearing full implementation.

"We've now begun and are about to conclude, get everybody on board in relation to the Africa Free Continental Trade Area, which will remove all barricades to trade within Africa, amongst African countries, and increase the volume of trade amongst the African countries," he declared, boldly.

Highlighting Africa's demographics, he noted, "That is a population of about 1.4 billion.

And that's a very young population whose dynamism and youthful vitality will drive the economy. By 2050, we will have a much larger population and will be the youngest continent in the whole world."

Boko stressed that Africa's potential can only be maximized through political stability, strong institutions, and sustained economic growth. "

Africa can maximize on the benefits of this potentiality by ensuring that it has stability politically.

It has institutions that are durable, that can sustain the countries outside of individuals, and that the economies grow, and the GDP of each country and collectively of the African continent is increased exponentially as it should and can be."

Indeed, as Boko reiterated, Africa is not just the next frontier but the now frontier, urging the global community to recognize the continent's significance.

The world will now have no option but to pay attention to Africa.

It is the future.

As AfCFTA continues to unify the continent, President Boko's vision underscores the pivotal role Africa will play in shaping the global economy

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