ADAMI TULU — With the objective of enhancing the nation's grain exports, the Adami Tulu Agriculture Research Center announced that it is multiplying improved kidney bean varieties.
Center's Food System Resilience Program (FSRP) project, Agriculture Extension Researcher and Coordinator Tesfaye Gemechu told the Ethiopian Press Agency (EPA) that the Center is multiplying kidney bean seeds that have high demand for household consumption and export purposes.
The center identifies the best seeds through research and introduces them to farmers in the Adami Tulu area of Oromia state, who widely cultivate the crop, the Researcher said.
Tesfaye expressed that kidney beans are being multiplied on 10 hectares of land to meet the demand of the farmers.
The center expects to produce 200 quintals of kidney beans from the 10 hectares and distribute them to about 800 farmers. Seeds are provided to farmers in a revolving manner without payment, while non-participating farmers can purchase the seeds, he noted.
While irrigation can increase input costs, it also allows for more controlled conditions and potentially higher yields, which could offset some of the extra expenses, he indicated.
The center has brought a species from Melkasa that can yield 25 quintals per hectare in areas with minimal rainfall. This species can be harvested in a short period of time, he added.
Adami Tulu Research Center Director Yasil Ismai stated that the center is engaged in six processes including livestock, crop protection, natural resource protection, and technology outreach, multiplication of improved seeds, and irrigation and water use.
Yasin said that in the central rift valley, particularly in dry areas, there is a lack of improved seeds for crops. The center is conducting various research projects to address this gap, focusing on grains such as sesame, kidney beans, and coriander.
Regarding kidney beans, Ismail mentioned that this grain is highly demanded by farmers, second only to corn. The center is concentrating on a special type of kidney bean that can be harvested quickly. Due to the inability to multiply a large number of seeds during the rainy season, the center is now using irrigation to assist in seed multiplication.
In terms of fruits, Ismail highlighted a banana initiative that is unique at the state level in Oromia. Previously, the government heavily relied on imported banana seeds from India. The center now produces disease-free banana seeds locally through tissue culture, significantly reducing reliance on imports and saving foreign currency.
Multiplying banana seeds through tissue culture is crucial as it ensures they are disease-free and easily accessible to farmers. This allows the center to substitute the imported banana seeds and save foreign currency spent on imports. Over 200,000 banana seeds have been multiplied and provided to farmers, resulting in several farmer associations maximizing their benefits, the Director elaborated.