South Africa: Cabinet Supports Bold Vision Outlined By President's SONA

21 February 2025

Cabinet has called on all sectors of society to support the initiatives announced by the President Cyril Ramaphosa during his State of the Nation address earlier this month.

Cabinet said this in a statement on Friday following a Cabinet meeting held on 12 February 2025 and a special Cabinet meeting on 29 January 2025.

"Cabinet calls on all sectors of society to support the initiatives announced by the President in his 2025 SONA and partner with government as we set our nation on a trajectory for the year ahead," Cabinet said in a statement.

Cabinet also expressed its support for the bold vision of creating a nation where all South Africans share in its prosperity and opportunities, as outlined by President Ramaphosa.

"The President called on all South Africans to unite in action to reignite our collective vision and shared passion to build a South Africa that works for everyone. Through the planned National Dialogue, we will chart our nation's course and forge a common vision for our country's future," Cabinet said.

The statement highlighted that the new Medium-Term Development Plan (MTDP) guides government's initiatives to create a more inclusive country that lives up to the commitments of the Government of National Unity.

The MDTP aims, among others, to reduce unemployment, poverty and the rising cost of living as well as combat crime and corruption.

"The massive R940 billion investment drive announced by President Ramaphosa in new infrastructure and the upgrading of existing infrastructure over the next three years, puts infrastructure development at the heart of our country's economic growth and job creation," Cabinet said.

The address outlined a clear path to tackle the challenges experienced at local municipalities, particularly in the maintenance of essential infrastructure. It also detailed intensive interventions to deal with the country's water challenges, including the expansion of water infrastructure by investing R23 billion into seven large water infrastructure projects.

President Ramaphosa outlined government's commitment to support the well-being of South Africans through various social support initiatives in health, education, social protection, community development and public employment programmes, with around 60 percent of our national budget spent on the social wage.

"The President affirmed our nation's sovereignty and constitutional democracy, and South Africa's position to advance the well-being of humanity, and those around the world who continue to experience colonialism and oppression," Cabinet said.

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