Kenya: Deputy PM Launches Presidential Bid

Deputy Prime Minister Musalia Mudavadi launched his presidential bid on the United Democratic Forum ticket, pledging to promote prosperity, devolution, infrastructure and stability.
  • Kenya:   Mudavadi Launches Presidential Bid

    The Star, 24 June 2012

    Deputy prime minister Musalia Mudavadi last night launched his presidential bid on a UDF ticket promising to steer the country to prosperity. In his address aired on Kiss TV just… Read more »

Musalia Mudavadi: The Deputy Prime Minister cut ties with the Orange Democratic Party, led by Prime Minister Raila Odinga, to run as a presidential candidate for the United Democratic Forum.

  • Kenya:   Mudavadi Top Seat Launch

    The Star, 22 June 2012

    Deputy Prime Minister Musalia Mudavadi will officially launch his presidential campaign on the United Democratic Forum ticket this weekend. The event will be aired live on local… Read more »

  • Kenya:   I Will Unite Locals If I Win Presidency, Says Mudavadi

    The Star, 23 June 2012

    I am seeking the presidency as a unifying factor for all Kenyans, Deputy Prime Minister Musalia Mudavadi has said. Speaking on Friday in Malava Constituency in Kakamega county,… Read more »

  • Kenya:   Mudavadi Privately Meets Kikwete

    The Star, 22 June 2012

    DEPUTY Prime Minister Musalia Mudavadi privately met Tanzanian President Jakaya Kikwete on Monday as part of his strategy to widen his regional network and explain himself to… Read more »

  • Kenya:   Mudavadi Best Bet for Presidency

    The Star, 23 June 2012

    For the first time since independence, wananchi from Western Kenya and the diaspora in the Rift Valley counties of Trans Nzoia, Uasin Gishu and Nandi have the best opportunity to… Read more »


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