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World Trade Organization (Geneva)

How Trade Affects You - Ask the Man in Charge!

Questions for the World Trade Organisation Director General ahead of the Ministerial Conference (MC-10) in Nairobi Dec 15-18


Here's your chance to query Roberto Azevêdo. AllAfrica will interview the WTO Director-General prior to the first Ministerial Conference of his institution to take place in Africa since WTO was created in Morocco in 1994.


We'll select issues and questions from those you submit - about the importance of trade to eradicate poverty, the status of the Trade Facilitation Agreement, progress on the Doha Development Agenda, and agreements on agricultural issues such as cotton. Weigh in, as negotiators head to Nairobi to tackle world trade issues and move towards an agreement that would 'deliver for Africa'.


For more, go to Briefing: WTO-MC10 Kenya

Roberto Azevêdo, Director-General World Trade Organization.


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