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African Development Bank (Abidjan)

AfDB Tackles Africa's Youth Unemployment Problem

Keeping with its High 5s, the African Development Bank (AfDB) is tapping the capacity of agriculture and agribusiness to create the massive number of jobs needed to reduce the continent's high rate of unemployment among African youth. The Bank recently approved an ADF loan of USD 50 million to finance jobs creation programs in Rwanda. While in Cote d'Ivoire where the underemployment rate among young people is 17%, the Bank recently held a workshop to implement its youth job program. Both programs aim to support young African graduates to start businesses along agricultural value chains through agribusiness incubators where they receive training in skills development. More about the AfDB in this BRIEFING

A farmer in Ghana. AfDB's Jobs for Youth Program seeks to build the capacity of young graduates between the ages of 18-35 to start businesses along the 18 priority value chains identified in the Feed Africa strategy.

The African Development Bank’s Agriculture and Agro-industry Department (OSAN) in conjunction with the Ministry for the Promotion of Youth, Youth Employment, and Civic Engagement of Côte d’Ivoire held a workshop at the Bank in Abidjan on 8 July to reflect on the imperatives for the successful implementation of ENABLE Youth-Cote d’Ivoire (CI).



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