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The Whitaker Group (Washington, DC)

Afternoon with Finance Ministers from Africa's Growth Economies

How can we make sure that Africa realizes its potential to be a key driver of global growth in what many economists fear is a period of protracted stagnation? That was a question Rosa Whitaker, President and CEO of The Whitaker Group, posed as finance ministers and Central Bankers gathered in Washington for the 2017 IMF/World Bank Spring Meetings at the 2017 Outlook and Opportunities: An Afternoon Reception and Discussion with Finance Ministers from Africa's Growth Economies.

F (L-R): Honourable Ken Ofori-Atta, Minister of Finance and Economic Planning, Republic of Ghana; Rosa Whitaker, President & CEO, The Whitaker Group / Vice-Chairperson, Invest Africa US; Paul Hinks, Chairman, Invest Africa US / CEO, Symbion Power. B (L-R): Sir Paul Collier, Director of the Centre for the Study of African Economies at Oxford University; Ambassador Claver Gatete, Minister of Finance and Economic Planning, Republic of Rwanda.

His Excellency Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia, Vice President, Republic of Ghana

Rosa Whitaker (President & CEO, The Whitaker Group / Vice Chairperson, Invest Africa US) & Paul Hinks, (Chairman, Invest Africa US / CEO of Symbion Power)

L-R: Sir Paul Collier, Director of the Centre for the Study of African Economies at Oxford University; Amb. Claver Gatete, Minister of Finance and Economic Planning, Republic of Rwanda; and Hon. Malusi Gigaba, Minister of Finance, Republic of South Africa

L-R: Honourable Alamine Ousmane Mey, Minister of Finance, Republic of Cameroon; Honourable Ken Ofori-Atta, Minister of Finance and Economic Planning, Republic of Ghana

L-R : Honourable Alamine Ousmane Mey, Minister of Finance, Republic of Cameroon; Honourable Ken Ofori-Atta, Minister of Finance and Economic Planning, Republic of Ghana; Sir Paul Collier, Director of the Centre for the Study of African Economies at Oxford University; Ambassador Claver Gatete, Minister of Finance and Economic Planning, Republic of Rwanda; Honourable Malusi Gigaba, Minister of Finance, Republic of South Africa

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