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FEEEDS Initiative (Washington, DC)

Africa Education Leaders Stress "Entrepreneurial Thinking"

As Africa searches for alternative paths to educating its NextGen youth for the 21st Century, Jon Clifton, Managing Partner GALLUP World Poll, opened the 2018 Annual Africa Education Forum. The half day event November 29, entitled "New Approaches to Africa's Education," is the fifth in a series of programs focused solely on key themes for Africa hosted by FEEEDS Advocacy Initiative CEO Ambassador Robin Sanders, Clifton of the prestigious GALLUP World Poll, and the well-respected online media platform

Gallup’s John Clifton, Ambassador Sanders, Botswana Ambassador Newman & Mali Ambassador Nimaga

FEEEDS-GALLUP 2018 African Education Advocates & Focal Speakers (L-R) Rheault, Mahdi, Sanders, Genton, Yembra, Mali Ambassador Nimaga & Abiodun

GALLUP Africa Research & data expert Rheault & Ashesi's Mahdi responds to questions

ALA's Abiodun impassioned opening on the success of school's approach on entrepreneurial thinking

Nichole Yembra, CFO of Lagos-based Venture Garden Group (VGG), receives her 2018 FEEEDS-GALLUP African Education Advocate Award.

2018 FEEEDS-GALLUP African Education Advocate Award winner Nichole Yembra meets with invitees.

Nichole Yembra, CFO of Lagos-based Venture Garden Group (VGG) and Thomas Genton, director of public affairs, Bureau of African Affairs, State Department, answer questions.

(L-R) Africa Scholar Elmira Woods, Jena Roscoe, Sr. VP Gov’t Affairs Operation Hope, Forum invitee

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