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Mastercard Foundation

Uganda's 1st Developer Survey Report Released

The Innovation Village, in partnership with the Mastercard Foundation, has released the findings from a survey to understand and analyze the current state of the developer landscape in Uganda.The survey, launched in March 2021, sought to understand the number of developers, their demographics, region, gender and age; their engineering journey, coding methods, languages, levels of education, area of specialization and experience. A total of 1,288 developers were surveyed, including anyone who builds and creates software and applications. Read on

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A developer at work. The Innovation Village, in partnership with the Mastercard Foundation, has released the findings from a survey to understand and analyze the current state of the developer landscape in Uganda.

Developers at The Innovation Village in Kampala

A group of developers interacting with The Innovation Village Team Lead Japheth Kawanguzi at The Innovation Village in Jinja.

A developer ‘s world, what it really looks like. Uganda's first Developer Survey Report released through The Innovation Village, Mastercard Foundation Partnership



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