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African Development Bank (Abidjan)

Dakar Financing Summit - $160 Billion for Infrastructure projects

The 2nd Dakar Financing summit for Africa's Infrastructure Development has opened in the Senegalese capital with 69 infrastructure projects worth $160 billion on showcase. African heads of government, the African Development Bank, development finance institutions, and institutional investors will gather to draw the modalities for pushing the projects to completion by 2030. The African Union Development Agency and the Government of Senegal are co-hosting the summit.

Marie-Laure Akin-Olugbade, African Development Bank Acting Vice President (right), Ahmadou Abdoulaye Diallo, Director General of the African Solidarity Fund (center) and Algerian Prime Minister Aїmene Benabderrahmane (left), during the 2nd Dakar Financing Summit in Senegal 02.02.2023

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