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AllAfrica Women's Agenda Forum (Dakar)

AllAfrica Women's Forum - Women & Food Security Mar 7-9 WATCH!

The AllAfrica Media Group celebrates International Women's Day this year with a high-profile event in Rabat, Morocco from March 7 to 9. The 10th AllAfrica Women's Agenda Forum (AWA 2023) will spotlight the role of women in securing the continent's food resources and in combating poverty. AllAfrica Global Media is also jointly announcing with the PhilJohn Academy scholarships for 60 young women from 18 countries who will receive training in leadership, entrepreneurship and technology.


More about AllAfrica Women's Agenda
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Forum Allafrica Women's Agenda 2018


AllAfrica Women's Forum in 2019 in Conakry.

AllAfrica Women's Forum in 2018 in Bamako..

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