Could Mozambique's Next President Change Tack On Cabo Delgado?

The first challenge for the future president of Mozambique will be to address the escalating violence in the country's northern Cabo Delgado province, Borges Nhamirre writes for the Institute for Security Studies.

The responsibility will almost certainly fall on the shoulders of the ruling Liberation Front (FRELIMO) chosen presidential candidate in the upcoming election, the 47-year-old lawyer Daniel Chapo as it "controls state institutions and retains power through election irregularities and an uneven political playing field".

The seven-year insurgency has killed more than 5,000 people and displaced more than a million.

The attack on the district of Macomia shows that the insurgents are still active and haven't been contained which Nhamirre said will require the new leadership to take "the long overdue step of balancing security and development policies to prevent terrorism".

Clashes have made Cabo Delgado unstable (file photo).


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