Africa: Athletes Break Through to 400m Finals

24 September 2000

The eyes of Africa will be on her athletes at the Sydney Olympic Games on Monday.

As the distances of key races get longer, the continent's athletes are emerging as top contendors.

Runners from eight countries are in the finals of the men's and women's 400-metre races, in the women's 400m final and in the men's 800-metre semi-final, which will all be run on Monday evening, Australian time.

On Sunday, athletes from Nigeria and South Africa broke through to the women's and men's 400-metre finals.

Falilat Ogunkoya of Nigeria took third place in her semi-final, in a time of 50.18 seconds, running behind Australian favourite Cathy Freeman, who took first place in 50.01s. In the other semi-final, Heide Seyerling of South Africa also took third place (51.06s).

Mireille Nguimgo of Cameroon and Amy Mbacke Thiam of Senegal were placed seventh in each of their semi-finals.

Hendrick Mokganyetsi of South Africa reached the men's 400m final, with a third place in his semi-final in Sydney on Sunday. He ran the distance in 45.52 seconds. The favourite for Gold in the race remains Michael Johnson of the USA, who ran his semi-final in 44.65 seconds.

On Saturday, Maria Mutola of Mozambique qualified for the women's 800m final, and twelve African athletes qualified for the men's 800m semi-finals.

Runners Break Through To 800-metre Semifinals

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