Liberia: GOL/UNMIL Establish Nat'l Rubber Plantations Task Force

Due to the reported mismanagement of rubber in the various rubber plantations in the country, the government of Liberia in collaboration with the United Nations Mission in Liberia (UNMIL) has decided to launch a task force aimed at prohibiting said mismanagement.

The GOL/UNMIL joint rubber plantation task force which was established by President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf and the Special Representative of the Secretary General of the United Nations, Alan Doss will shortly begin active operation.

Speaking to newsmen at the Agriculture Ministry on 19th Street, Sinkor, the Minister of Agriculture, Christopher Toe said one of the major recommendations set by the task force addresses the need for the government to re-establish control over all "illegally occupied plantations," and "such that benefit of this great resource can be shared by all Liberians." He added that members of the task force have started conducting consultations with local community leaders, civil society members, legislators and occupants of the Guthrie and Sinoe Rubber Plantations.

He noted that occupants of the plantations are cooperative in the process of evacuating the plantations, while GOL/UNMIL is putting together packages for the occupants.

With respect to the security situation at both plantations, Minister Toe also said that the Liberian National Police (LNP) and Justice Ministry in consultation with UNMIL has also expressed its commitment to the process.

"It is the objective of the government to make the plantations peaceful environments where communities are productive, while enjoying social services," he maintained.

It has been noticed that many of the rubber leaving the two plantations is being purchased by the Firestone Rubber Plantation and Weila Rubber Plantation which is illegal.

With regard to this development, Minister Toe said the ministry has consulted both companies which denied purchasing the product from any illegal rubber dealer.

Meanwhile, he said the GOL has also moved towards the formation of interim management teams to begin running plantations until legal reviews can be concluded on legal status of these plantations.

He added that the communities will be represented to avoid conflict of interest.

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