Sierra Leone: Bank Group's Resident Representative Presents Letters of Appointment

press release

Freetown — The African Development Bank Group's Resident Representative in Sierra Leone, Mrs. Margaret Kilo on Tuesday in Freetown, presented her Letters of Appointment to the Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Mr. Momodu Koroma.

Mrs. Kilo was appointed Resident Representative with effect from 3rd April 2007. A Cameroonian national and educator, she served her country in various capacities and worked in the international arena for several years prior to joining the services of the African Development Bank Group in 1998. Following her appointment with the Bank Group, Mrs. Kilo rose through the ranks from Senior Education Specialist to Acting Manager in the Sector Policy Department. She holds a PhD in International Development Education from Stanford University.

Since November 2005 and under the leadership of President Donald Kaberuka, the Bank Group has initiated reforms to improve implementation of its programs and to respond more effectively to the needs of its regional member countries. This resulted in the expansion of the current Decentralization Program to 25 regional and country offices, including the Sierra Leone Field Office (SLFO) in December 2006.

The primary functions and responsibilities of SLFO include: deepening country dialogue and aid coordination; intensifying portfolio management; leading economic and sector work, providing assistance to the private sector, maintenance of effective relations with stakeholders; supporting project and program processing, and undertaking other related development activities in the country within the mandate of the Office.

The African Development Bank Group was established in 1964 "to contribute to the economic development and social progress of its regional members, both individually ad collectively," and to mobilize resources for the financing of development projects and the promotion of economic integration on the African continent.

The Bank began operations in Sierra Leone in 1969. Its total commitments net of cancellations to the country stand at UA* 268.25 million, equivalent to US$ 410.75 million for 41 operations (including 39 national and 2 multi-national public sector engagements).

* 1 UA (Units of Account) = US$ 1.53122 = SLL (Leone) 4,514.69

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