Lagos — The African Development Bank & Zenith join forces to create "Green Africa"
The African Development Bank in collaboration with Zenith Bank is organizing a three-day training course on "Environmental Management Training for Financial Intermediaries" which began in Lagos on Wednesday.
The course aims at ensuring proper assessment and implementation of Environmental and Social Management System (ESMS), demonstration of the value of mainstreaming environment in business for reducing risks and adding value as well as improving understanding of environmental concepts and issues.
Other objectives are, building skills in basic tools and techniques for implementing EMS, explaining the environmental requirements of international financial organizations including the Equator Principles, and the Nigerian Regulatory system and Promoting understanding among African private sector and their public sector partners.
The training is targeting Nigerian Financial Intermediaries; International Financial Institutions (IFSs); other commercial banks; decision makers in the environment sector; private sector operators, media, officials from development partners, environmental experts and other invited guests. The training is featuring presentations by international experts, potential investors, the ADB and experts from other MDBs on various topics. The presentations will also share good practices for promoting private sector development in the Environmental sector.
AfDB Private Sector Director, Tim Turner, underscored the importance of the training course noting that "the ADB looks forward to seeing all the banks becoming the "Green Bank' by taking leadership through the adoption and implementation of sound environmental banking principles."
At the end of the Training course, participants are expected to become familiar with the guiding principles of sustainable financing, environmental and social requirements of international financing institutions in the utilization of their lines of credits. They should also be able to develop, implement and monitor the ESMS, and advise their clients on the ESMS requirements and related reporting and monitoring issues.
Media Contacts: ADB: Onike NICOL-HOURA: - Tel.: +216 7110 3227; - E-mail: