Liberia: President Pardons Treason Suspect

29 January 2008

Monrovia — President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf of Liberia granted clemency on Monday to George Koukou, former speaker of the transitional government, who was recently accused of plotting to overthrow her government.

Sirleaf said in her annual State of the Nation address that her decision was made in the spirit of reconciliation and in response to pleas from Koukou's supporters. She urged him to refrain from unlawful activities in the future.

Koukou led the assembly which was produced by the Accra Peace Accord in 2003. He and two former officers of the Armed Forces of Liberia were accused of treason last year. They have been imprisoned while awaiting the outcome of the legal process.

The president stopped short of extending clemency to the officers, General Charles Julu and Colonel Andrew Dorbor, saying their case was more complex and further advanced. Final arguments in their case were delivered on Monday and the court's ruling is expected soon.

In her address, Sirleaf also stressed the need for a constitutional review, saying some laws "do not conform with modern practices." She raised eyebrows when she included as an issue for review the election of mayors.

She recently came under sharp criticism from opposition leaders when she hinted at her desire to appoint city mayors. The Supreme Court recently ruled that the lack of specificity in the constitution allowed her to appoint mayors instead of having them elected.

Her new pronouncement hints that she has listened to some opposition political parties and civil society leaders, who have said the court decision denied people the right to to elect their leaders. This is bound to generate debate in many quarters over the coming days.

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