Kenya: Obamamania in Western Kenya

3 November 2008

Kisumu — AllAfrica's Katy Gabel blogs from Kisumu in western Kenya, near the Obama family's home district.

Kisumu is packed with Obama paraphernalia. You can find the image of the senator from Illinois on everything from minibuses to key chains.

And many Kenyans I met on Monday made clear they were fully aware of why Kisumu is suddenly packed with journalists.The way they greeted me as I walked by - a loudly-exclaimed "Obama!" - led me to wonder: is this the newest way to attract the attention of visitors, or a genuine endorsement for Obama as the next president of the United States?

The influx in Kisumu means eager tipsters are prowling hotel lobbies and cafes frequented by tourists offering "exclusive information." One such tipster approched my friend and I with some "important news" today in the lobby of the city's finest hotel:

"Hello, remember me? (No.) I have a great story for you," he said. The fellow proceeded to inform us that so many people were buying chickens in preparation for celebrations following the announcement of an Obama victory that the price had risen to 1000 shillings. A chicken normally costs 250 shillings. "You go to the market and confirm."

Of course, the tip was nonsense - the chicken sellers at the market told us the price was kama kawaida, or the same as ever. 250 shillings. But walking through the market brought its own surprises.

The market women have formed their own kind of caucus for Obama, making sure to tell us how much they all supported him as we passed on our way to the chicken coops. (If we bought some garlic or hot peppers or cloves, well, that would definitely "promote" their cause as well.) Most of the women wore Obama buttons pinned to their blouses.

Over lunch, we were educated through the lyrics of local artists on what will happen if Obama wins.

Tony Nyadundo's Luo praise song - a 17-minute-long piece entitled Obama set to a traditional, repetitive Luo beat - describes the musician's imaginary tour to the U.S. after Obama wins the elections. In Nyadundo's fictional lyrics, Obama and his wife Michelle welcome Nyadundo, and Obama orders that a bull be slaughtered to honor the musician's arrival. According to the Daily Metro, Nyadundo has sold "over two million copies" of this fantasy song.

The senator's image is also plastered on a huge billboard on Nairobi Road in Kisumu. The ad appears to be a mirror image of many of Obama's campaign ads in the States. I wonder who paid for it, and how long it will stay there.

More tomorrow.

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