Ghana/Libya: Black Stars Fail to Press Home

28 February 2009

Bouaké — Ghana's Black Stars, backed by numerous supporters in the "Stade de la Paix" stadium in Bouaké, managed to hold Libya to a one-all draw in their match in the second day of play in Group B of the African Nations Championship.

The Libyans were hoping for their first victory in the tournament but unfortunately failed to achieve it despite controlling the game until the 75th minute.

After losing 0-2 to the DRC, Faouzi Benzati's team looked like the whipping boys of the group. But they went into the game with Ghana with something to prove and turned out to be very dangerous against a side deemed the tournament's favourite.

Ghana, trying to show that their previous weak performance was just a bad spell, failed in their objective and spent most of the match looking for an equalizer.

At the beginning, the Jamarhiya side proved swifter and more adept tactically with a classical 4-3-3 selection that was attack orientated.

They opened scoring in the 27th minute with a beautiful threesome combination from a free kick 25 metres out. Their play-maker Osman Trembla found himself face to face with the goal keeper Philimon Mc Carthy and did not hesitate. (1-0 27th minute.)

Libya were happy to end the first half with the goal advantage and when the match resumed Ghana faced a rock-solid defence as it pressed for an equaliser. Agitated on the bench, coach Milovan Rajivac made some useful substitutions before he was expelled from the match for his behaviour.

A header from his 56th minute replacement, Asampong Taylor, hit the cross bar. The Black Stars began sensing deliverance when the Libyans began to retreat and the spectators made their presence known.

Fifteen minutes later, a magnificent shot from Jordan hit the cross bar and dropped on the line, keeping the crowd guessing - and divided - over whether the ball crossed the line.

The Black Stars finally found the net 15 minutes before the end Antwi Yaw headed the ball to Owusu Ansah Edmond, who found no difficulty putting it past the Libyan goalkeeper. (1-1 76th minute.)

It was an intense game and the Bouaké public was given a treat by both teams. Although the Black Stars dominated the game in the final stages, they failed to convert their advantage into goals as a result of the ineffectiveness of their attack line.

The Libyans on the other hand will be kicking themselves for failing to achieve a win which would have revived their hopes. The result leaves the group wide open with all the teams still having a chance to qualify.

Translated from the original French by Michael Tantoh.

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