The AfDB Group Approves an AWF Grant to the Gambia

15 April 2010
Content from a Premium Partner
African Development Bank (Abidjan)
press release

The African Development Bank (AfDB) President, Donald Kaberuka, approved an African Water Facility grant of 1,988,582 Euros to The Gambia to support a National Water Sector Reform project.

The implementation of Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) in The Gambia faces several challenges due to lack of supportive legal and institutional framework, and lack of an effective strategy for the operationalization of existing policies.

In addition to these challenges, there is severe shortage of qualified staff required for IWRM functions in the access of sector planning, water resources assessment, management of data and information systems, and engagement with stakeholders.

The proposed project addresses these issues and it is aimed at supporting the introduction of a supportive legal and institutional environment for IWRM, developing IWRM strategy, and strengthening and improving data and information systems.

This would facilitate provision of water supply and sanitation at country level in order to achieve the MDGs as well as the African Water Vision (AWV). The project gives the AWF the opportunity to assist a Regional Member Country introduce more effective water management and governance based on IWRM principles, and this fulfills one of the key mandates of the AWF.

The total cost of the project is estimated at 2,092,738 Euros and will be financed by the proposed AWF grant of 1,988,582 and in-kind contribution of 104,155 Euros from The Gambia.

The Gambia's development strategy, the vision 2020 and the Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper II (2007-2011), places responsibility upon the water sector to provide for sustainable development and management of water resources to meet higher demands for domestic water supply and sanitation, expanding irrigated agriculture to strengthen food security, and sustain environmental integrity in the face of increasing abstractions, climate change and variability, poor waste disposal, and high urbanization.

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Yao Eloi

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