Minister Wade - "With AfDB Support, Senegal is in the Process of Catching Up in Infrastructure '

22 April 2010
Content from a Premium Partner
African Development Bank (Abidjan)
press release

Bank Group President, Donald Kaberuka, on Tuesday, 20 April 2010 in Tunis, received Senegal's international cooperation and infrastructure minister, Karim Wade. Discussions between both men focused on the excellent cooperation between the Bank and Senegal. They also reviewed Bank-financed projects in the country. With regard to infrastructure projects, the minister explained that "The Bank is involved in on-going key infrastructure projects in my country, in particular, the airport, the port, toll route and in a number of projects in the energy sector."

Senegal has made the most of aid by investing on infrastructure. With some many projects in this regard, it is therefore vital to consolidate these achievements and promote the sector.

"It's had developing infrastructure and becoming first port in the sub-region in terms of efficiency, equipment and operations without the proper human resources," Mr. Wade said

Today, the execution of these huge infrastructure projects will enable Senegal efficiently fight poverty given that the impact of these projects on the population is obvious, especially as infrastructure is key to national and regional integration, and given the country's economic and demographic development. The AfDB executive director for Senegal, Frédéric Korsaga, recalled that "All these projects will give the Senegalese economy a shot in the arm."

Speaking during the meeting, Mr. Donald Kaberuka recalled that infrastructure was a key pillar in the AfDB's mid-term strategy. He urged Senegal and other African countries to make greater investments in the sector. "Like other African countries, I encourage Senegal to invest hugely in the sector," he underscored, adding that "The Bank will continue to support Senegal in its development program."

Since commencing operations in Senegal in October 1972, the AfDB has, besides multinational projects, financed 90 projects for a total cumulative commitment of UA 688.3 million, equivalent to CFAF 507 billion. The greater part of the money was granted as loans 97.1% as against 2.9% for grants.

Regarding Bank visibility in the country, the institution's image has been boosted due to SNFO operations in the country. SNFO has made it possible to have a close dialogue which has created an impact on project implementation. "We are carrying out intense communication activities to enhance AfDB visibility on the ground and it is important for Mr. Kaberuka to participate not only the launch, but also in the opening of the first phase of the Dakar port's container terminal," Mr. Wade said.

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Interview with Karim Wade, Senegal's International Cooperation and Infrastructure Minister


Aristide Ahouassou

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