The Ecowas Commission Donates $ 550, 000 to the Government of Niger to Help It Curb the Food Crisis

22 April 2010
press release

Niamey - Niger — The ECOWAS Commission has presented a cheque for $550,000 to the Government of Niger to help it provide succor to victims of the food crisis in the country.

The cheque was presented by the President of the ECOWAS Commission, Ambassador James Victor Gbeho to the Minister of Economy and Finance, Mr Badamassi Annou, at a ceremony that was attended by the Prime Minister, Mr Mahamadou Danda and the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mrs. Aminata Djibrilla Maïga Toure. Also in attendance were the Commissioner Dr. Adrienne Diop for Human Development and Gender that for Political Affairs, Peace and Security, Col. Mahamane Toure, and Agriculture, Mr. Ousseini Salifou, Ambassador Gbeho, said the donation is the first relief for the victims of the severe food crisis and will enable them to buy food and seeds.

« However small it is, we hope that this gesture will bring smiles to the victims and make them regain faith in the future », declared the President of the ECOWAS Commission. He pledged the continued support of the Commission for the Government of Niger in its efforts to alleviate the sufferings of the people, adding that the ECOWAS Commission was working with relevant partners to ensure the timely supply of maize, rice and millet. In addition, he assured that the Commission will explore other partnerships with other International Institutions to ensure the swift rehabilitation of the victims.

Ambassador Gbeho said he received with deep sorrow, the news of the severe food crisis and acute malnutrition facing Niger caused by crop failure last year which was compounded by erratic rainfall pattern. « I am deeply saddened to witness the suffering of our children and our youth here, and in other Sahelian countries of our region which has exacerbated the economic situation of our Member States, thereby reducing their capacity to provide good governance to the people., he added, citing the various natural disasters such as cyclical floods, desertification and invasion of locusts, grain-eating birds experienced by some member states.' He therefore stressed the need to 'continue to develop lasting solutions by creating synergies with relevant partners so as to put in place safety nets and mitigate the impact of these disasters.'

According to him, the vision of moving ECOWAS from that of States to an ECOWAS of People and the creation of an environment conducive for environment were being frustrated by these recurring natural disasters. He therefore said the Commission has the mandate to develop strategies to mitigate the sufferings of populations affected by disasters in Member States and appealed on development partners to support Niger in curbing the crisis.

While receiving the cheque, the Nigerien Minister of Economy and Finance expressed the gratitude and appreciation of the people to the ECOWAS Commission for this significant financial assistance and assured of its judicious use. « What you did demonstrates the regional solidarity of our African countries and would like to assure you that this contribution will go to the people of Niger who are in need,' the minister said, adding 'We have no doubt that ECOWAS will be with us, not only in relation to this emergency response, but also in the medium and long term management of this kind of crises,'

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