Côte d'Ivoire - Contributing to Improving Access to Education

19 May 2010
Content from a Premium Partner
African Development Bank (Abidjan)
press release

Costing 53 million units of account (equivalent to CFAF 39 billion), the project was approved for African Development Fund (ADF) financing on 24 September 1992 and was completed on 29 July 2004.

The Education IV project is the Bank Group's fourth operation in Cote d'Ivoire in the education sector.

The project comprised the following components:

Strengthening of primary education;

Strengthening of secondary education;

ncreased enrolment in rural areas;

Introduction of environmental education; and

School map support.

Under this project, the provision of computer hardware to the Department of Information Technology, Planning, Evaluation and Statistics made possible the production of better designed and more accurate school maps.

Improving Enrolment Rate

Constructed and rehabilitated infrastructure largely contributed to improving access to education by improving the carrying capacity of primary and secondary

education, resulting in an improved gross enrolment rate (GER), particularly for girls in disadvantaged regions.

In primary education, between 1992-1993 and 1998-1999, the national GER rose from 73% to 73.2% (65.1%for girls), reaching 79.5%in 2001- 2002 (67.3% for girls).

In the same period, enrolment rose from 1,447,785 to 1,910,820, representing a 25%increase and from1,943,101 to 2,113,836, between 2000 and 2002, representing an 8% increase. In other words, a 32% increase was observed between 1992 and 2002.

This very significant social impact contributes to the development of human resources capable of providing a more effective input to wealth creation in the country.

The project also helped to improve the quality of learning and management of the education system as a whole by providing pupils, students and teachers with teaching materials and numerous training opportunities for managers of the system.

Improved Student Performance

One of the effects of this positive impact was improved pupil and student performance as reflected in the reduction of the overall grade-repeating rate from 29% in 1991 to 24% in 2005.

At the secondary education level, the presence of local ADB secondary schools has reduced school-related migration and the long distances covered by students.

In addition to achievements in improving access, the project helped to rehabilitate 240 primary schools and 31 secondary and high schools, equip six Regional Departments of Education (DREN) and train 88 regional education inspectors.

In addition, for primary school pupils in the project areas, the average distance to school has decreased considerably, ranging between 0 and 3 km, instead of 7 km previously.

The construction of science and earth and life science laboratories in 10 new secondary schools helped to improve access to science education.

Public awareness on the need to educate girls, reduction in the distance between the homes of students/pupils and their schools, systematic construction of two blocks of latrines in schools and the free loan of 934,956 textbooks to girls in 5 DRENs helped to improve enrolment and retention of girls in school.

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Côte d'Ivoire



Magatte Wade

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