Ecowas Donates Grains Worth $200,000 to Niger

18 July 2010
press release

Niamey - Niger — The ECOWAS Commission on Saturday, 17th July 2010 handed over 456 tonnes of grains valued at $200,000 to the government of Niger for distribution to the victims of the recent food crisis in the country occasioned by crop failure following erratic rain which resulted in acute malnutrition among a large segment of Nigeriens. The President of the ECOWAS Commission, Ambassador James Victor Gbeho handed over the items to the country's Minister of Finance, Alhaji Badamassi Ammou Mahaman, a gesture which he said, would complement the previous $350,000 cash donation provided as a first line response by the Commission in April 2010 during the President's maiden visit to the country after his assumption of duty.

Ambassador Gbeho used the opportunity to reiterate the determination of the Commission to use the crisis as an opportunity to strengthen its policies and strategies for ensuring food security in the region. He expressed optimism about the prospects of the regional efforts to provide durable solutions to problems of hunger and starvation in the region as enshrined in the Regional Agricultural Policy (ECOWAP) of 2005 which is being vigorously implemented Member States. Ambassador Gbeho said the proposed regional humanitarian depot to be opened in Bamako, Mali would improve the capacity of the Commission to render humanitarian assistance in a timely and efficient manner.

He then paid tribute to the World Food Programme (WFP) for its assistance in procuring and transporting the food items and renewed the commitment to ECOWAS to sensitize and collaborate with its international partners to provide more assistance to the victims and totally avert the looming food crisis in Niger and the sahel part of the region. Alhaji Mahaman on behalf of the Nigerian government and its people thanked the Commission for its consistent response to the plight and challenges of his people. The Country Representative of the WFP, Mr. Richard Verbeeck thanked ECOWAS for the gesture of solidarity for the Nigerien people and the confidence reposed in the programme to assist with the procurement and transportation of the items. Also represented at the occasion was the Ambassador of Nigeria to Niger, the country's Minister of Justice, Abdoulaye Djibo, the ECOWAS Commissioner for Human Development and Gender, Dr. Adrienne Diop and many other dignitaries.

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