ECOWAS Heads of State to Hold Extra-Ordinary Summit in Abuja

15 September 2010
press release

Abuja - Nigeria — ECOWAS Heads of State and Government will meet in an extra-ordinary session on Friday, 17th September 2010 to consider the critical political and security situation in Guinea Bissau and review the progress of the efforts aimed at defence and security reforms in the country.

Recent actions by the country's military that have exacerbated the impunity and deepened the fragility of the country's democracy have elicited deep concern from regional leaders. At their last summit in Sal, Cape Verde, ECOWAS leaders expressed "grave disappointment" with the country's leadership over the unwelcome developments in the country and urged the President to create the appropriate environment to enable ECOWAS resume its efforts to mobilize partners to support the country in reforming its security sector.

They also urged the ECOWAS Commission to begin the process of reforming the country's defence and security sector, and establishing a mechanism to ensure safety of republican institutions. During their August 2010 meeting, the Committee of ECOWAS Chiefs of Defence Staff and a restricted Group of Chiefs of Defence Staff of the Community of Portuguese-Speaking Countries (CPLP) recommended the approval of an action plan to assist Guinea Bissau in overcoming the security challenges presently facing the country.

The action plan includes the creation of a financing mechanism for the efficient implementation of the reform of the Armed Forces through the establishment of apension fund, the redeployment of military personnel, the restructuring, training and improvement of the living and working conditions of the Armed Forces. Alongside the restructuring programme, the ECOWAS Chiefs of Defence Staff also proposed the review of the law on the organization of the defence sector and expressed the need for staff to be sensitized at all levels in order to enhance their professional and republican status.

The Defence Chiefs also identified the institutions and individuals who require greater protection, mainly the President of the Republic, the Prime Minister, Ministers, the Speaker of the National Assembly, the Commission of Enquiry into past atrocities, the President of the Supreme Court, Judges and witnesses. Subsequently, they recommended that ECOWAS and the CPLP should be contacted for the creation of an appropriate fund for the selection and training of Guinea Bissau officers that may constitute the force or units that will guard these VIPs.

Finally, they urged ECOWAS to convince key partners, particularly the European Union and the United States of America, to resume their cooperation with Guinea Bissau and support the defence and security sector reform programme financially and technically. The extra-ordinary summit is expected to take decisions on all these issues.

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