Forty-Five Persons to Be Honoured At Third Ecowas Business Forum

27 September 2010
press release

Abidjan - Cote d'Ivoire — Forty-five persons are to be honored for innovation and entrepreneurship during the third ECOWAS Business Forum which opens in Abidjan, Cote d' Ivoire on Tuesday, 28th September 2010.

These inaugural awards will be made in three categories, one from each Member State for a Young Entrepreneur for Innovation in Energy and a second one for Entrepreneurship. The third award is for the Most Outstanding Businessman from each Member State. The best country in the implementation of the Protocol on Free Movement of Persons will also be honoured as part of the five-day Forum. The awards are part of the efforts by the ECOWAS Commission to recognize innovation entrepreneurship which are important tools for enhancing regional competitiveness and development. Some 450 participants have registered for this third edition of the Forum which is on the theme "Harnessing energy resources for the competitiveness of West Africa's economy". The theme was set against the backdrop of the energy crisis that rocked the region in 2008 and the discussions will enable participants to examine the ramifications of energy management, particularly the region?s potentials, production, distribution, marketing and policy. Participants are expected to agree on key structures for ensuring the full involvement of the various sectors of the Community, particularly the private sector, in tapping available resources for the benefit of the region.

Discussions during the Forum are expected to focus on three major topics: Assessment of West Africa's energy resources and implications for business operations and economic development; Investment potential, challenges and opportunities in the energy sector in West Africa, including financing options for energy-related projects; and Harmonization of regulations and policies in the energy sector in West Africa. The inaugural edition of the Forum was held in 2007 in Accra on the theme, Harnessing Private sector energies for the challenges of integration while the second edition took place in Ouagadougou on the theme, harnessing agricultural potentials and challenges in the agro-business in the frontline.

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