Howard's Ralph Bunche Center and Africa Society to Assess Recent Developments in Liberia

20 January 2011
press release

The Africa Society of the National Summit on Africa and Howard University's Ralph J. Bunche International Affairs Center will sponsor a forum, "Recent Developments in Liberia" on Thursday, January 20 from 2:30 to 4:30 p.m.   The program will take place at the Bunche Center, located at 2218 6th Street, NW, Washington, DC.

Panelists for this program are:

•              The Honorable David Bruce Wharton, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public Diplomacy in the Bureau of African Affairs

•              His Excellency Ambassador William Bull, Embassy of the Republic of Liberia

•              Dr. Pearl Alice Marsh, Minority Senior Foreign Affairs Staff Member, House Committee on Foreign Affairs

•              Ms. Emira Woods, Co-Director, Foreign Policy in Focus, Institute for Policy Studies

•              Mr. Nicholas Cook, Specialist in African Affairs, Foreign Affairs,   Defense   and Trade Division, Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress

•              Ms. Barrie Freeman, Deputy Regional   Director for Central and West Africa,   National Democratic Institute

•              Dr. Alem Hailu, African Studies Department, Howard University

In 2006, the election of President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf was a cause for celebration and hope for Liberians eager to start rebuilding their nation after decades of instability and conflict. This 2011 election in Liberia is regarded by the United Nations, U.S. diplomats and by Liberians themselves as the critical test of the nation's postwar health. The panel of experts will discuss the political and economic strides that Liberia has made and its priority areas of focus for the future. They will also discuss the pivotal role Liberia plays in the region in terms of security and stability.

This forum is being sponsored by Humanity United.

The partnership between Howard University's Ralph J. Bunche International Affairs Center and The Africa Society for the Issue Forum Series began in 2000.   Its purpose is to bring together policymakers, the media, academics, opinion leaders, stakeholders, African leaders, and the public to discuss key topics pertaining to the African continent.

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