AfDB Hosts African Leadership Institute Fellows

25 March 2011
Content from a Premium Partner
African Development Bank (Abidjan)
press release

The African Development Bank (AfDB) is hosting a group of African Leadership Institute Fellows (AfLI Fellows), who began a three-day visit on Thursday, 24 March 2011, at the invitation of Bank President Donald Kaberuka.

The AfLI Fellows Institute is a not-for-profit network, established in 2003. It is based on the idea that good leadership and governance are crucial for the success of all societal endeavours. The Fellows' meeting with President Kaberuka in Mauritius focused on Africa and its future, the role of the AfDB, as well as the importance of leadership and governance.

The meetings at the Temporary Relocation Agency (TRA) in Tunis, is a follow-up on discussions held between the Fellows and the Bank Group's President during a meeting in Mauritius in November 2010. The Fellows shared views with Bank senior management and staff on leadership management. President Kaberuka's interactions with them revolved around issues related to Africa's political and economic development challenges. The meeting also reviewed the Bank's decentralization, private sector, regional integration, and food security in Africa, among other issues. President Kaberuka appealed to AfLI members to also voice their own concerns and ideas to political leaders. "You have a key role in the current and future challenges of the continent ... you have a huge responsibility," he said.

Speaking, on the occasion, each member thanked President Kaberuka for his openness and eagerness to listen to them on the challenges facing the Bank, "due to leadership deficit in some parts of the continent". They also expressed satisfaction with the information they received on the Bank at various meetings. "This is the beginning of a strong relationship with the Fellows and we look forward to engaging more with the Bank in supporting its decentralization," Aidan Eyakoze, an African Leadership Institute Fellows Board member said.

AfLI Fellows is an annual program launched in 2006 in conjunction with Oxford University. It involves select groups of young Africans who are expected to rise to top leadership positions in their spheres of activity over the next 5 to 20 years. The Fellows are drawn from across various sectors in Africa based on merit. The Fellowship program seeks to develop a network community of future leaders across Africa to influence change and successful development of the continent to reflect its rightful position in the global environment.


Aristide Ahouassou

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