ECOWAS Statement On the Current Situation in Guinea

22 November 2011
press release

Abuja - Nigeria — In the effort to move national dialogue forward, the ECOWAS Commission dispatched a Special Envoy, His Excellency Edem Kodjo, Founding Member of ECOWAS, to Guinea from 9-11 November 2011 to interact with the President, His Excellency Alpha Conde and other key political leaders on the current situation in the country.

Among the personalities that the ECOWAS mission interacted with were the leaders of the main opposition parties, including Messrs Cellou Dalein Diallo and Sidya Toure. Others included the First Vice- Chair of the National Transition Council, Monseigneur Gomez, Former Prime Minister under the Transition, Jean-Mari Dore, former and current ministers, UN officials, and a host of other important stakeholders. The interactions opened the way to the first face-to-face meeting among the key political leaders since the November 2010 presidential election. The ECOWAS Commission is also reliably informed that the meeting was characterized by frank exchanges and clarification of positions to the satisfaction of all parties.

The Commission is greatly encouraged by news of the rapidly improving relations among the leadership of the political class following that clear-the- air meeting, and urges them to continue to pursue the path of dialogue towards national reconciliation with enthusiasm and vigor. While expressing its pleasure with the significant breakthrough and congratulating the leaders for their courage and statesmanship, the Commission wishes to encourage them to persevere in the spirit of the renewed trust and cooperation in order to forge a national consensus and sustainable peace, as they strive to tackle the myriad security and developmental challenges confronting the nation.

To this end, the Commission anticipates an amicable resolution of all outstanding differences to pave the way for the holding of the all-important legislative elections in a timely and transparent manner. For its part, the ECOWAS Commission wishes to renew its abiding commitment to accompany the people of Guinea in their national reconciliation and reconstruction efforts as they seek to build a new Guinea, which will be at peace with itself, ready to confront developmental challenges, and capable of playing its leadership role in the regional integration process. H.E. James Victor Gbeho President of the Commission

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