Security and Stability - What Lies Ahead?

23 February 2012
press release

The Africa Society of the National Summit on Africa and Howard University's Ralph J. Bunche International

Affairs Center will sponsor a forum, "Security and Stability in Nigeria, What Lies Ahead?" on Monday, February 27, from 1:30 to 3:30 pm.  The program will take place at the Bunche Center, located at 2218 6th Street, NW, Washington, DC.

Panelists for this program are:

  • Mr. William Fitzgerald, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State, Bureau of African Affairs
  • His Excellency Professor Adebowale Ibidapo Adefuye, Ambassador from the Federal Republic of Nigeria to the United States
  • Sulayman Nyang, Ph.D., Professor of African Studies, Howard University

The panel of experts will discuss the recent attacks leveled by Boko Haram and the ramifications of those acts of terrorism on the most populous country in Africa.  Responses to these attacks by the Government of Nigeria, in addition to the assistance being rendered by the United States, will also be addressed.  These issues are especially critical because of Nigeria's prowess and its impact on the continent of Africa, most especially on the stability and economic growth of West Africa in its entirety.

All three presenters have extensive backgrounds and proficiencies, as well as different perspectives, that are key in assessing how best to address the current situation in Nigeria.  Both  Deputy Assistant Secretary of State, William Fitzgerald, and Nigerian Ambassador, Adebowale Adefuye, have recently returned from Nigeria so they will present first-hand information regarding recent developments in this West African nation.  Professor Sulayman Nyang, a renowned academic on African studies, has written extensively on Islamic affairs and was an advising scholar for the award-winning, PBS-broadcast documentaries Muhammad: Legacy of a Prophet (2002) and Prince Among Slaves (2007).

The partnership between Howard University's Ralph J. Bunche International Affairs Center and The Africa Society for the Issue Forum Series began in 2000.  Its purpose is to bring together policymakers, the media, academics, opinion leaders, stakeholders, African leaders, and the public to discuss key topics pertaining to the African continent.

Press Contact:  Dr. Harold Scott, Interim Director, Bunche Center <>. Tel: 202-806-4363

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