Africa: Passing of Congressman Donald M. Payne

U.S. Representative Donald M. Payne.

On behalf of the Board of Directors and Staff of the Constituency for Africa, and of the members of the African American Unity Caucus, we are all shocked and deeply saddened on hearing the news of the passing of Congressman Donald M. Payne today in New Jersey.

Congressman Payne was indisputedly "Mr. Africa" in the United States Congress, and his legacy of support and commitment to the continent and her people is unmatched in the history of the institution and of our nation for that matter.   If ever there was a "champion for Africa" in the U.S. Congress, it was without a doubt Donald Payne!

Indeed Africa and the African world has lost a great friend in Congressman Payne.   His passion for the people of the South Sudan served as a moral compass in keeping the United States focused on the horrific injustices and abuses that were being reaped on the people during the nearly 40 years of warfare with the North.

I had the honor and pleasure of traveling with Congressman Payne on a number of missions to Africa, and was always humbled by his passion for the people and his readiness to use his position in Congress to remedy the many problems facing the continent.

Our hearts and prayers truly go out to his family in their hour of need.   May his family be solaced in knowing that Congressman Donald M. Payne mission on earth has now been completed and that he now rests in peace with our Lord and Savoir.

Congressman Donald M. Payne…..job well done!

Melvin P. Foote

President & CEO

Constituency for Africa

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