Africa: Congressman Don Payne - A Trailblazer for Peace, Development and Justice in Africa

U.S. Representative Donald M. Payne.
press release

For those who work on Africa, and indeed for all those who live in the region, it is difficult to imagine a world without Donald Payne.

He pioneered so many trailblazing initiatives such as the African Growth Opportunity Act (AGOA), the President's Emergency Plan For AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), the Millennium Challenge Account and Debt Relief for Africa that have helped to transform lives and the landscape of Africa. He made the cause of Africa's poor his own, and devoted his life to supporting people in their God-given right to better lives. He was a courageous warrior on the battlefield for development, justice and peace at home and abroad. The world is dimmer because of this great loss.

We extend our deepest condolences to Congressman Payne's loving and supportive family; his exceptional and devoted staff; his Congressional colleagues and constituents; and the millions of unsung people from Newark to Nigeria who depended on his voice and vote to advance equity and prosperity.

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