ECOWAS, Industry Experts Strategize On Chemical, Hazardous Waste Management Policy

29 March 2012
press release

Abuja - Nigeria — ECOWAS Commission officials and industry experts from Member States have concluded a meeting at the Commission's Abuja headquarters called to strategize and define policy on chemical and hazardous waste management in West Africa.

One of the objectives of the 21st -23rd March 2012 meeting was to provide a strategic direction to draft documents and terms of reference for regional programmes on chemical waste management. The participants also discussed the implementation of the regional environmental policy.

Dr. Johnson Boanuh, Director, ECOWAS Commission's Environment Directorate presided over the meeting, which also defined short, medium and long-term priorities and goals on chemical and hazardous waste and E-waste management. Experts consider the development of a chemical and hazardous waste programme crucial to the implementation of the ECOWAS Environmental Policy at national and regional levels.

This is also expected to contribute to the implementation of the Basel, Rotterdam, and Stockholm Conventions, as well as other Multilateral Environmental Agreements and programmes that will benefit the ECOWAS region.

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