ECOWAS Reaction to On Going Coup Attempt in Guinea Bissau

13 April 2012
press release

Abuja - Nigeria — The ECCOWAS Commission has just learnt with great concern about the on-going attempt by the military to overthrow the Government of Guinea Bissau.

ECOWAS is particularly disappointed with the timing of the coup attempt, coming just days after a joint ECOWAS-AU -UN mission meet with the military hierarchy to warn against any temptation to disrupt the on-going electoral l process. It also comes at the moment when ECOWAAS is engaged with Guinea Bissau in the efforts to pursue wide-ranging reforms for economic development and national reconstruction.

The Commission firmly denounces this latest incursion by the military into politics and unreservedly condemns the irresponsible act, which has once more demonstrated their penchant to maintain Guinea Bissau as a failed state.

ECOOWAS demands the immediate restoration of constitutional order to allow for the completion of the on-going electoral process. This flagrant defiance of the Community's principle of Zero Tolerance for power obtained by unconstitutional means, as enshrined in the Supplementary Protocol on Democracy and Good Governance cannot go unpunished as, by their action, the military have willfully and knowingly outlawed Guinea Bissau from the ECOWAS Community. ECOWAS wishes to warn the perpetrators of this reprehensible coup attempt of their responsibility for the safety and security of political leaders, the population, institutions, and property in the country.

ECOWAS remains seized with the situation in Guinea Bissau and, in the coming days, shall take appropriate and decisive measures with regard to the matter. H.E. Désiré Kadré OUEDRAOGO President of the ECOWAS Commission Abidjan, 12 April 2012

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