Africa: Op-Ed Round-Up - Government Spies, Drug Trafficking, Messy Walls, and Railway Fraud

28 May 2012

Ghana's spy controversy

Considering the Ghanaian government is often commended for its stable and open democracy, it's surprising to hear reports that it is spying on its own citizens. The Chronicle's editorial is driven by the revelation that the manager of a leading radio station has found himself under surveillance. The article strongly condemns the practice, warning that similar practices "could be let loose on any member of society perceived as not playing ball with the ruling party".

The rise of drug trafficking through Dar Es Salaam

A large number of arrests at Julius Nyerere airport have led to the fear that Tanzania's capital is becoming a hub for the drug trafficking industry. The Daily News demands a robust response from security services and article notes that all Tanzanians could be affected if other nations become more suspicious of Tanzanian passport-holders.

Don't spoil Nairobi with your slogans

Kenya's politicians are being condemned for the mess they're making as they campaign for the upcoming election. The Nation calls on the political parties to stop their activists from painting slogans across the city's walls, arguing that "the situation is getting out of hand". The article also makes a point that the practice is denying a business opportunity to legitimate advertising firms.

Confessions of a railway fraudster

Earlier this year, large-scale fraud was revealed at TransNamib, Namibia's parastatal railway. In an astonishingly honest piece for The Namibian, an anonymous former employee details how one receptionist she knew was able to register herself as a procurement manager and then claim the improved salary. The author then lucratively blackmailed this former receptionist. Shortly before losing her job, she explains how she was "working for weeks on a devious plan that involved sex, money and character assassination". The mind boggles.

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