ECOWAS Trains Community Youths in Integrated Agriculture

12 October 2012
press release

Port Novo - Benin — Seventy-eight young men and women from 13 ECOWAS Member States will round-off an intensive training in integrated agriculture at the Songhai Centre, Porto Novo, Benin Republic, on 18th October 2012, under the youth capacity building programme of the ECOWAS Youth and Sports Development Centre (EYSDC).

The Benin Minister of Youth and Sports is expected to preside over the ceremony capping 30 days of training, acquisition of skills, competences and different production techniques. The Director of the Ouagadougou-based EYSDC, Mr. Francis Chuks Njoaguani said the capacity-building programme seeks to contribute to the Community's youth empowerment and employment initiatives, including the ECOWAS Volunteer Programme, which also caters for young people between 18 and 35 years of age.

In addition to the promotion of sports, the Centre is also involved in the training and capacity building, collection and management of database and network administration, collection of information/data relating to youth associations as well as Information, Communication and Telecommunication (ICT) training.

Other activities/programmes of the Centre include youth employment and poverty alleviation, youth on the prevention and settlement of conflicts and peace consolidation, as well as development and promotion of traditional sports and games.

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