Six Envoys Present Credentials to ECOWAS Commission

1 November 2012
press release

Abuja - Nigeria — The President of the ECOWAS Commission, His Excellency Kadre Desiré Ouedraogo, on Tuesday 30th October 2012, in Abuja, received the letters of credence of six ambassadors accredited to the Government of Nigeria and the ECOWAS Commission.

The envoys were Mr. Ba Abderrahmane of Mauritania, Mrs. Rita Korpivaara of Finland, Mr. Saeed KoozechiofIran of Iran, Mrs. Angele Dikongué-Atanganafrom, of the UN High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR), Mr. Jong Hak Se of the People’s Democratic Republic of Korea and Mrs. Grace Ongile of the UN Women, the United Nations agency responsible for gender equality and women empowerment. During the brief ceremony, the President acknowledged the cooperation between ECOWAS and the envoys’ countries and organizations, while the diplomats expressed their willingness to contribute in improving the relations during their tenure. The President, who was accompanied by the Commissioner for Agriculture, Environment and Water Resources Mr. Marc Atouga, Director for External Relations, Dr. Jonas Hemou and Legal Adviser, Mr. Daniel Lago, reiterated that the priority of his management team is to facilitate regional integration and development in an environment of peace and stability.

He expressed the hope that Mauritania would return to the regional organisation, which it left in 2000. Mrs, Korpivaara reaffirmed her country’s willingness to support ECOWAS in the attainment of its goals, while Mr. Koozechi said his country valued the importance of cooperation with ECOWAS and its Member States, especially in science, petrochemicals and civilian nuclear energy. Mrs. Dikongué-Atangana said the UNCHR would continue to support ECOWAS and Member States in the resettlement of persons displaced by conflicts and disasters. Ambassador Jong, for his part, described ECOWAS as “one of the most dynamic regional organisations” in regional integration, while Mrs. Ongile expressed the desire for greater cooperation between ECOWAS and her organization, particularly through the projects managed by the Commission’s Human Development and Gender Directorate.

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