AfDB Investing in Kenya's Teachers to Fight HIV/Aids

29 November 2012
Content from a Premium Partner
African Development Bank (Abidjan)
press release

The education of Kenya's youth is being threatened by HIV/AIDS. Children affected by the disease shy away from schools due to social stigmas and lack of funds, while the country is losing an estimated 1.7 per cent of its teachers each year due to the disease.

As part of the African Development Bank Group's investments in the country's human capital, the Bank has supported skills development for HIV/AIDS guidance and counselling to hundreds of teachers in Kenya, enabling them take charge of their fight against the disease.

The project so far has resulted in:

13,023 students, a number of whom are infected with and affected by HIV/AIDS, benefitting from a bursary, keeping them in schools.

200 non-formal education teachers at 50 centres trained on HIV/AIDS guidance and counselling.

Over 580 teachers from 350 schools trained in HIV/AIDS counselling

68 Youth Polytechnics instructors trained in HIV/AIDS guidance and counselling.

The African Development Bank (AfDB) Group is preparing a Human Capital Development Strategy that sees Africa's greatest asset as its people. The Bank recognizes that a skilled, technologically savvy, mobile and healthy workforce is key to promoting inclusive and green growth, reducing poverty and harnessing the potential of 1 billion people.

The AfDB invests in job creation and matching the supply and demand for skilled workers in efficient and innovation driven economies; giving voice to all citizens for improved quality of public services; promoting private-sector engagement; and supporting safety nets to protect against economic and social shocks.

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