Cameroon's, Africa's Growth Must be Skills Based and Industry Driven - ECA and Partners

20 November 2013
press release

Yaounde — The United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) today actively joined the United Nations Development Organization (UNIDO), the African Union Commission (AUC) and Cameroon's Ministry of Mines, Industry and Technological Development to Celebrate the 24th Africa Industrialisation Day under the theme: "Job creation and entrepreneurship development: A means to accelerate industrialization in Africa".

During an event at the Yaounde Hilton to mark the celebration, UNIDO's Regional Representative for Central Africa Mr Edmé Koffi presented a joint ECA-AUC-UNIDO declaration to Cameroon's Government officials, representatives of international organizations as well as private sector and civil society leaders.

The message underscored the need for African countries to swiftly shift onto an industry-driven and skills-based growth path.

This structural transformation, the message noted, would provide many opportunities for decent employment on the continent especially given its unprecedented economic boom which is a clear signal that region must massively invest in the human capital to support its own industrial revolution and sustainable development.

A message from UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon re-echoed the declaration from the triumvirate of development organisations and renewed the United Nations commitment to Africa's development and the African Union's efforts to achieve inclusive growth.

"By focusing on job creation, entrepreneurship and the promotion of small and medium enterprises, we can boost inclusive and sustainable industrial development across the continent" Mr. Ban said in his message.

According Cameroon's Secretary of State in the Ministry of Mines, Industry and Technological Development, Mr. Fuh Calistus Gentry, the country is on a good footing towards is industrialization after developing mechanisms for the promotion investment and entrepreneurship notably a one-stop shop for investor transactions.

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